Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Research in the shops!

Today we set off to look at album covers in their entirety, looking at the cover of CD's and Music DVD's - seeing what succeeded in grabbing our attention on the shelves and what failed in attracting browsing customers.

We went into our nearest HMV Store and browsed the CD shelves, letting our eyes travel to see what CD's stood out to us. One particular CD that we all agreed attracted us to it was 'Calvin Harris - I Created Disco'. This attracted us as the main colour was bright yellow with a picture of him on the front with techno style, shiny glasses. Then the font used for the title was spaced out and vertical on both sides - making it easy to read from a distence. Without knowing Calvin Harris as such, you can instantly tell that he was a techno artist, thus this shows that to attract customers you need to show your genre through the album cover and where possible, make it brightly coloured.

We then looked at other CD's and music DVD's, below are pictures of certain ones that stood out to us:

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