Saturday, 9 October 2010

Location Shots

We have decided to film our Music Video in locations that can easily be related to real-life, for instance, a park setting, inside and outside a household and an alley way (to represent isolation). 

Alley Way behind Stocton Road, Guildford
This location was primarily used for one of the many  Stop-Motion parts of the Music Video. Both (male and female) characters had to take a step back, being photographed at certain intervals.  These intervals were when the characters were standing still.  The photographs will then be sequenced to make it seem like the characters were moving backwards/forwards (depends on order of photographs) without actually moving a muscle.  This is how Stop Motion works.

This inside household location (television room) was chosen because it is a place where couples might spend a lot of time in. The mirror in the background could be used to create an alternative viewpoint of the characters in shot.

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